How is Retinol A Miracle Against Aging-What Are Its Effects?

Retinol as a miracle against aging-How to use it and what are its effects? This is the title of a recent article by Mario Bitnis, which appeared in the March issue of Euro magazín. It is written by a well-known dermatologist, Andree Vlieger. She says that Retinol (a synthetic form of vitamin A) is very useful for improving skin texture and firmness. Retinol has also been used to treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, rashes and numerous other skin conditions.

Night cream can delay ageing! - Times of India

Retinol is usually included in topical creams because of its effectiveness in stimulating collagen production. Collagen production is the main cause of sagging, wrinkles, age spots, skin drooping and other signs of skin aging. As a result, this substance is considered as an important component of most anti-aging creams. Retinol also offers exceptional results when used topically, even for non-inflammatory skin problems.

But what does this amazing ingredient have to do with acne? Does Retinol treat acne? And how can Retinol be considered a miracle against aging? According to Dr. Vlieger, Retinol can be very effective for treating mild to moderate forms of acne. For more severe cases, a patient should consult a dermatologist who will prescribe a more aggressive treatment.

However, there is one cautionary note. As a topical treatment, Retinol can cause redness, irritation, itching or peeling skin. It can also produce opposite results in both acne-prone and non-acne prone skin. For this reason, patients with severe acne should first undergo skin patch tests before using Retinol. Patients with dry skin, sun-damaged skin or chapped lips should consult their dermatologists before using Retinol.

As for how to use it, Retinol is best used as a morning moisturizer after cleansing the skin and before bedtime. Applying Retinol on a skin pore or on a clogged pore can result in irritation, especially when the cream is used on a dry skin. Also, before applying Retinol, make sure that your skin pores are open and that you have cleaned your face with a mild cleanser. After applying Retinol, you should allow the product a few minutes to work on your skin before washing your face to remove any excess Retinol.

So how is Retinol a miracle against aging-How to use it and what are its effects? According to dermatologists, Retinol can be applied on skin that is chapped, irritated, has scars or acne, but this is not recommended for all skin types. Before using Retinol, one should consult with a dermatologist regarding the appropriate dosage. Retinol can also be used as a treatment for pre-mature wrinkles or fine lines, and some studies have shown that it can also reverse skin aging. As mentioned earlier, Retinol can cause side effects like redness and itching, and you should avoid using Retinol if you have kidney disease, liver disease, or a history of diabetes. It is important to check with your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before using Retinol, because the concentration of Retinol in the cream may be too great and could be harmful to you.

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