Pest Control For Carpenter Ants

When it comes to commercial extermination, one of the best ways to kill carpenter ants is with insecticides. This is a good option for outdoor nests. However, insecticides are not legal in all states and may be dangerous to children and pets. In such cases, a professional pest control company should be hired to handle the treatment. Here are some tips for preventing carpenter ants:

First, inspect the property to identify whether there are carpenter ant colonies. Once the problem is identified, pest control technicians can apply various insecticides and baits to the affected areas. Non-repellent insecticides are used as perimeter sprays, while baits are placed on the trails of carpenter ants. Insecticides are a great option for extermination, because they are non-repellent and can kill carpenter ants. Ants exterminators kent

Spectre PS Aerosol is ideal for outdoor nests because it combines a sweet solution with a toxic insecticide that kills the ants on contact. On the other hand, boric acid doesn’t work on ants that are not visible, so it is a temporary solution. Additionally, it’s costly to purchase insecticides, and buying baits can be an impractical option in commercial extermination.

In addition to their food consumption, carpenter ants also make a nest on your property. While they don’t eat the wood itself, they leave chemical pheromone trails. These trails allow other carpenter ants to find them and reproduce. So, it’s important to get the nest treated before ants start to build new nests in your home. If you don’t want your property to be infested, call a professional pest control company and get rid of the colony once and for all.

For prevention of carpenter ants, make sure to trim trees around your foundation and seal exterior cracks. Also, make sure you clear any areas surrounding your home of standing wood piles. And finally, perform an interior inspection to look for cracks and leaks. Make sure to keep sources of water away from your home’s foundation to avoid carpenter ant infestations. You can even use a combination of both.

Carpenter ants are active during the night, so if you see them foraging, follow them back to the nest. When you spot a nest, you’ll know it’s active, so you can get rid of it before the ants move on to your property. Moreover, dust is an excellent tool for flushing out the nest site. You can also try baits, but remember that this method is most effective early in the season. After the ants find food sources during the summer, it’s not as effective.

Termite-resistant products are another way to eliminate ants. The Sentricon System was designed to eliminate termite colonies and has shown a high rate of success worldwide. A quality commercial exterminator will provide you with a comprehensive treatment that will get rid of these pesky insects from your property. This means you won’t have to worry about ants causing damage to your home or business.

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